
See what drives this regional chapter and meet the state’s team of devoted students striving to make a difference in the lives of the next generation of computer scientists!

{{Insert chapter}} CHAPTER Mission

What We Strive For

{{ Insert bio }}



{{ Insert bio }}

{{Chapter’s events}}

See How We Are Making a Difference

Events Coming Soon

This chapter is working hard to begin planning new events for students in their state. If you would like to help plan events or be apart of the chapter’s future plans, email the chapters team at california@girlscomputingleague.org.
Time To ACT

Join Our Community

Girls Computing League works hard every day to help students achieve their dreams of entering a technical career field. We work with companies both to create higher education opportunities for students and hunt for mentors willing to support the next generation of computer scientists. However, we are reliant on our global community of enthusiasts, students and activists to bring about true change. If you are a student who would like to join this local chapter and be apart of the movement to bring about global change through computer science click on the button below to get started.

Contact info@girlscomputingleague.com to join today!